Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Originally Made By Delilah Hazhiya At 4/14/2010 10:46:00 pm

Achetypes itu ada bermacam macam jenisnya, ada archetypes of character, archetypes settings, archetypes conflict.

Waktu saya dapet tentang archetypes ini sebenernya udah lama, karena saya ikut literature jadi sudah tau sebagian. Cuma ketika mengikuti mata kuliah thematic film studies, ternyata banyak banget jenis character, dan kemudian di aplikasikan kedalam film.

Nih beberapa archetypes, yang akan saya bagikan kepada kalian :)

Hero Male Archetypes .

The Alpha Male : Someone who has to be a hero. Not always the attractive but usually the strongest / the biggest. The Alpha male hanya ada 1 di tiap cerita/film. Contoh karakter alpha male, seperti Mr. Incredibles, James Bond, Troy Bolton dlm HSM.

The lost soul/ reluctant hero : Someone doesn't want to be a hero. But he still become the hero. Contohnya : Harry Potter, Die Hard, Rambo.

The charmer : Prince charming. Person who able to manipilate people , attractive, good looking, persuasive man. Contohnya : di film Catch me if you can, si leonardo di caprio, terus si Robin Hood.

The proffesor : The intellect. Using intelligence to solve the problem. Contoh nya, proffesor X di film X-men, Sherlock holmes.

The best friend : Side kick. Contohnya : Robin dlm film Batman

The Everyman : Someone who accidentally a hero. Jadi dia hanya seorang manusia biasa yang mendadak jadi hero. Contohnya, Peter parker dlm film Spiderman.

Female Archetypes .

Madonna/Ingenue: Girly girl, bukan tipe yang akan kotor atau ikut berperang. Mungkin seperti di HSM, Gabriella Montez

The Temptress : Girl who tempt someone. Seductress. Dia tipe penggoda. Seperti pada cerita. delilah and samsons, Eve and adam.

The Tomboy : Behaves like a boy, so much more active female character, fighter. Smokes with the boy . Contoh : Indiana Jones.

Another Archetypes :

The sidekick / Henchman : Flat character. they bad but not that bad. they good but not that good. contoh robin dalam film batman.

The guide / wise old man /earth mother : The character helps hero along the way, provides everything and gives advice, seperti mentor/ father/ coach/ dukun. Contoh di film Princess Bride : Miracle Mask

The Child : Innocent child, wisdom, untouch, purity. Seperty Lucy dalam film narnia

The noble savage : someone who lack in culture. Uncivilized. Uncultured. Seperti Mr. Tumnus dlm film narnia. Mungkin seperti King George dlm film Australia

The wild man : Lack in culture. out of control, human out of boundaries, way out there. tokoh yang benar benar diluar kontrol . Mungkin anda bs kasi contoh saya.?

The foreigner : The person who doesn't fit in, out of custom, the unknown. Seperti si Tom Hanks dlm filmnya the Terminal.

Ice Queen : Sometimes she is a villain, doesn't show any emotion untouchness. they almost too perfect. contohnya Queen of Narnia, si white witch.

The Judge: The person who decides what is the right and wrongs. become judge in the end.

The heckler : Foils . Mungkin orang yang jadi badut, tapi rada ke bad thing.

The Jester/clown : comedy releave, clown, positive. say a good thing.

Star-crossed lovers : Couple not to be together. don't quite to connect. seperti dalam film Bee Movies, si lebah ga jadi sama manusia itu.

The Prodigal : Someone who return. Going againts family and he's return. A traitor who returns. Seperti Edmund dlm film Narnia

The Messiah (Christ Figure) : The savior. The choosen one. Sacrificing himself. Willing to save the day. Seperti The Lion dlm film Narnia

The Mother : To care other people, concern to care of family, although she is not a mom. Good mother character. More protecting. Seperti Susan di Narnia. Atau Dorothy di Wizard Of Oz.

(segitu dulu, nanti lagi)

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