Friday, July 02, 2010

Realize Your Dream

Originally Made By Delilah Hazhiya At 7/02/2010 07:52:00 am
I just realize something this morning. What really I look good for? Music? Hell-no. I can't sing. Absolutely I can't sing. Those who hear I sing, maybe wants to cut my head off, cause I'm a bad singer. So what about playing some musical instrument? Maybe not. I have a guitar, I have a keyboard, I absolutely have pianika, but do they useful for me? Absolutely not again. I try to practice my guitar lesson. But I'm fail. I can't hardly remember where is the F key, or B key. So, when I try again to play my guitar, the result is FALS. I really want to play musical instrument, My guitar, My Keyboard. But I just don't have a passion. Maybe for you that's an easy stuff. But there is no pasion for me. I can't. I don't have a tallent. Even my mom can play guitar and sing a good song. I just don't have her tallent, and I don't have a deep passion for music. I'm just good listener of rock, and jazz music. I love listening. Yes I know, I'm not critical bout music stuff, so every single music in this world, is GOOD. Depends on your ear. Just shut your mouth up if you don't like it. Close your ear, listen another music that you feel is good for ya. So, another stuff is sport. If you have ever meet me. You will think I'm a basketball player. Oh my god that's not absolutely true. Okay, I have tall. I'm 175cm. I used to swim when I was child. I'm an ex basketball player in school. But I don't have a real connected with sport. Yeah I really love Football. But not to play that game. I'm fat you know that.I'm 60kg. I love sport when I still thin, and slim. Running is like flying. But when I'm fat. I don't really like to do sport again. That's so hard. Exceptional for swimming. That's the easiest one. Next thing is Technique stuff. Everything with technique I just can't easily to do it right. I know a little bit about computer, but just general thing. That's all. I don't have interest with technique thing. Next would be Drawing. Okay, you can see my draw in this blog post titled "Doodles", that's insane. Another thing like law, oh my, I can't easily remember rules. I'm rules breaker. Mathematic? No, I'm lazy to count a things. Even count a day. Another science stuff? I hate physics and biology. Even in Senior high I'm in to science. I really have a nice sleep when physics lessons begin. What else, economic? Ah they just have uncertain knowledge. Economics can change by year. And you can learn economic by yourself. I just don't like the teacher. So, what I'M LOOK GOOD FOR?
The answer is Language. I love language. I don't know, maybe you will see this passage little bit confused and dizzy about it. But for myself. I'm good at Language. I just love it. You know, this is really fun when you can understand what might people in other world say. You understand english, french, spanish, dutch, anything you can understand. It is fun right? You understand, you hear, you say, you think, you know everything than everybody around you. Language is universal. You can say about music, law, arts, science, computer with your language. I confess that I can understand French, I know about English, and I used to learn turkish, and I want to take Dutch. It is really happy when you understand what people says. You could do anything with language, cause it is speak, talk, we use it every single minute. So, who is here not to talk all day long? We all speak with language. I'm a Language student, major of English. Even I study about Language, I still have a bad marks for it, because I study the technique inside language which is complicated. But who's the hell care? Language still fun for me. I just can't get it enough. We all communicate. and we can't not communicate. Even you are silent, you still talk with yourself. Right?
So, make world understand what you say. Speak loud with your language. Speak up about your passion. Follow it for your dreams. Just follow your passion, maybe that's why you live for in this world.

Talk to yourself.

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